You step differently when you walk in your purpose.
You feel stronger and more confident and even when you know you have challenges, you are ready to face them and you don’t let it get you down because you know it is all part of the plan.
Your spirit is calm and your soul is at peace because you know and believe that where you are is all part of God’s calling for your life.
You become kinder and more compassionate.
You become more understanding and you are not led by your feelings but by your spirit.
You don’t go where the world goes.
You understand the importance of being patient and walking your road alone with God as your only companion.
I love this feeling that I am experiencing; I am confident in the grace and glory that God has placed over me.
It took me a long time to get here and I know I am only in the beginning stages but I am trusting the process.
I am not trying to be in control, I am letting God work and the weight that it takes off my shoulders is magnificent.
When I look back on my life and where I was last year this time and who I was, I am grateful that I submitted and surrendered.
I smile now and my smile is genuine.
When I feel tired, I know where to turn.
When I feel lost and confused, I turn to the word.
I am walking in my purpose and I know what is coming next will be more challenging and it will test me but I am ready because I walk with God.
That glow that you see is not good skin or good health.
That glow is the light of God that shines in me and through me.
-Kimberly Flanagan