JUST SAY HI — Words IN Verse

Kimberly Fray
2 min readApr 23, 2020

I am the type of person who walks past you, looks at you, smiles, and says hi.
Sometimes I’ll add, how are you? But I always say hi.
It’s really not a difficult thing to do.
The act of saying hello to someone and acknowledging their presence is a beautiful act. It shows humanity and allows the other person a sense of dignity and respect.
Ignoring me when I say hi or hello is simply rude.
I always experience this; from different people and in all honesty, it takes me aback. I feel like the act of just making eye contact or even whispering a “hello, how are you?” is simple yet effective in building relationships.
I’m not saying strike up an entire conversation and I understand sometimes we have bad days and we just don’t want to talk to anyone but if you see someone acknowledging you, at least nod.

I feel it necessary to especially share this now because we’ve been encouraged all over the world to practice social distancing, the whole world is on lockdown and we can’t hug anyone or shake hands anymore. Human contact is important and showing someone that you see them shows empathy and kindness.

We’re all going through a lot; some people are more lonely than others. You never know if you’re the only person who says hi or asks another person how their day is. Something else that can be appreciated is giving someone a compliment; telling someone how nice their outfit is or how pretty their hair looks. It’s the small things that can make a huge difference in someone’s day and it will catch on. That person will feel a sudden spring in their step and feel inspired to be kind to another person. I know this because I have personally experienced it. Not only when another person is nice to me but when I am kind to another person, it makes me feel empowered.
You have no idea how much power you have to make another person’s day beautiful. Go ahead, try it! Make kindness your superpower

Originally published at http://wordsinverse.com on April 23, 2020.

