Kimberly Fray
3 min readJun 12, 2018


Do you know what I love about toddlers?

The possess this pure, spunky confidence that is ingrained within them. That they are literally born with.

They say what they want and do what they want. They make their presence known through their passionate actions and loud voices. They fight to be heard and they fight for what they want.

You can’t tell a toddler anything and if you dare to do it, they will give you back exactly what you gave them.

I for one absolutely love it.

They don’t hide their feelings; if they are upset or sad or happy, you will know it.

Until the world teaches them otherwise, children, especially toddlers, know exactly what they want and who they are.

Can you imagine having that kind of confidence and spunk as an adult?

No fear of being judged, not trying to fit in with anybody else. Loving whoever and whatever you want freely and openly and being accepted just as you are. Being loved just as you are.

I believe children between the ages of 3–5 years-old are possibly the luckiest human beings ever.

We encourage them to be who they are and we support their little antics and call it cute but then we say things like, “She’ll grow out of it”.

Why should they grow out of it?

I love this quote:

Image courtesy: Google

I see all these things with my own kids, aged 2 and 3 and in my role as a parent. My daughter especially.

She has more confidence in her little finger than I have in my entire body.

She trusts herself; she jumps and climbs high platforms without fear whereas I have a fear of heights and I have no idea where it came from.

She chooses her own clothes and hairstyles because it is what she likes. She doesn’t care if she wears the same thing every day as long as it makes her happy.

She sings and dances without inhibitions because it is what she enjoys.

Yes,she even makes her opinion, needs and wants heard, sometimes to my dismay but she is a powerful little force who allows no one to walk over.

It’s quite fascinating to see and truthfully something I strive for.

We teach our children to be silent when they are trying to make themselves heard.

We teach them to dress “appropriately” when they are simply trying to be expressive.

We teach them to be submissive when they are trying to fight for what they believe in and for what’s theirs.


Harness the noise and the mess and the personalities into strong, self-sufficient adults who aren’t afraid of life. Who pay no mind to judgement and who can handle critique.

Image courtesy: Google

Don’t change your children.

Nurture them instead.



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